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Showing posts from November, 2018

Easy Health Tips for the Holidays

The holidays are here. Time for laughter, time for cheer, time for trying to stay healthy at least through the New Year. With so much to do, so many places to go, and so many places to see, keeping healthy may seem hard to do this time of year. With these simple tips, you may be able to promote your own healthfulness. 1. Wash Your Hands! It's no mistake that the number one tip to staying healthy and preventing the spread of illness is to wash your hands! Washing your hands can stop the spread of bacteria, viruses, and other diseases. Washing hands with soap and water is always best. If soap for some reason isn't available (say in a public restroom facility), at least washing your hands with water will remove some of the germs. You may also want to carry hand sanitizer with you in your car, purse, or bag. Washing your hands after using the restroom, before and after eating, before and after preparing food, after touching bodily fluids like mucous or blood, and anytime your han

Answering The Tough Questions

Imagine you are in the boardroom. You have just finished your presentation for the latest strategic project to the CEO and other organizational executives. At the end of the presentation, you have written "Questions?" on the last side. You take a deep breath and maybe hope no one asks you any questions at all. You should be so lucky.  The common practice among professionals is to expect the Big Q and the little Q's. That is, prepare for the little questions and expect the big question -- the one you maybe weren't sure about at all. The little questions are things that are easily anticipated and that maybe you felt like you answered in the presentation already. The big question should also be anticipated. If you sold your position correctly, then the big question is out there looming waiting to be asked. You directed your audience toward asking it. No matter how much preparation and planning you have done, there is always the chance that someone will ask you a q