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Spring Renew You

by Jeanette R. Harrison, MPH

Spring is almost here! We finally made it through a record number of days of snowfall in Idaho. I like winter, and I love Spring. I love Spring because we always know it's coming. We have faith that it will be here every year. 

Spring is a promise that things are always changing. They change and are renewed or rejuvenated. It is also a time for change and newness. To me, it's a promise that good things are around the corner. 

That's why we at How Healthcare Works are offering our course, LIVE Spring Renew You. You can register for the course here. 

I view renewal as part of nature. You are a part of nature, too. We are all interconnected with the world around us, the people in our lives, and all the sense of renewal.

The past few years may have felt like winter season in your life. A time when you endured the cold, hunkered down, focused on the basics, and tried to make it through. Maybe you struggled against the harshness of the winds in your life. You wanted to get back to you. Back to the way things were before, back to believing in yourself, and back to feeling like everything is going to be okay.

Spring isn't only for renewing nature. It's also for renewing you. Life is always changing. That's a scientific fact. You can sit still for hours and days, and your body will be changing. It's biology. It's nature. The world will keep going, and you will be impacted by the world. You will impact the world simply by being alive. 

Spring is a time to replant your life. To renew you. To feel rejuvenated. To set new goals. To take steps toward becoming who you really are. To brag about you. To remember how awesome you are.

The Spring Renew You course is just the beginning. The course is part of our Bragging About You program to help you on your path to self-love, self-care, and self-discovery. 

Please let us be your guides on your journey. 
